Monday, February 18, 2013

Coming out of retirement

It's been a very long time since I've used this blog. I think I need to work on changing that.

Since the last post, there's been quite a lot going on:
*I have left Seven Seas Manga... and come back to work for them again.
*I've had both books in The Preterhumans saga, Amaranth and Verdant, published with a small press publisher... and that publisher has gone out of business/folded/disappeared (taking all the authors' money with it), leaving us all to try other routes; I went with self-publishing.
*I have acquired a new feline in my household.
*I have two new nieces, and my cousin has had two little girls that I call my nieces as well.
*I've developed entire hosts of health issues and gained way more weight than I'm happy with...

...which leads me the repurposing of this little blog. elysian flowers will still cover writing news and such, but it will also contain my health updates, recipes either by me or from others that I have enjoyed, workout updates, and a lot more. I do no promise a daily post, but I'm going to give it my very best.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So, as usual, I'm running around like a crazy person lately.

Seriously, between trying to get the novel published, working on the second one, trying to finish transliterating the second volume of Dance in the Vampire Bund, and do my day-to-day job as well... I'm swamped. What's worse is, at the rate things are going, I'm going to need to start considering either a new primary job or take a third job somewhere with my vast amounts of spare time. (Kindly note the dripping sarcasm.)

These books need to seriously hurry up, so that I have the royalty money (however much or little it is) coming in too.

So, I sent off Amaranth: The Preterhumans Book 1 to its first publisher on Sunday. Of course, I haven't heard back from them yet, but then it is a bit early. I guess the earliest I could expect to hear anything would be next month, though April is a bit more likely.

I'm a little tempted to go ahead and send it to some of my other options. I have a few other publishers and at least two literary agents eyed as possibilities.

Best of luck to me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This is a test post

This is a test post, while I see how this layout will look. Right now it's just a preprogrammed one, so I don't have high expectations... at least not till I play with it a bit.

Mostly I want to use this blog to talk about the publishing process and what's going on at the same time I am trying to get/am getting published.